Code Editing Tutorials
Making boss drop certain things on certain levels

Step 1: Open WL_STATE.C and do a search for "bossobj:"

(no quotes)and you should see something like this:

case bossobj:

GivePoints (5000);

NewState (ob,&s_bossdie1);

PlaceItemType (bo_key1,tilex,tiley);


Step 2: Now if you want the boss "Hans Grosse" to drop a gold key on every level except level 8, you change it so it looks like this:

case bossobj:

GivePoints (5000);

NewState (ob,&s_bossdie1);

if(gamestate.mapon == 7)//remember -1





PlaceItemType (bo_key1,tilex,tiley);



Step 3: If you want him to drop an ammo clip on level 8 it would look like this:

case bossobj:

GivePoints (5000);

NewState (ob,&s_bossdie1);

if(gamestate.mapon == 7)//remember -1


PlaceItemType (bo_clip,tilex,tiley);




PlaceItemType (bo_key1,tilex,tiley);



Step 4: Compile and link up. NOTE: you can do this with the points too.


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